Every Car May Soon Have Drunk Driving Monitoring System

Jun 24, 2022

New legislation in the U.S. could mandate automakers to install drunk driving monitoring technology in their cars. The legislation would require automakers to install devices to monitor driver blood alcohol level, eye-movements, and breath. Automakers would also have two years to incorporate the changes in production. A breathalyzer is not required in every car, but it is an important safety feature. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 47 percent of driving-related fatalities in Illinois involved alcohol.

In addition to breathalyzer devices, these systems could also be used to monitor driver behavior. Currently, many convicted drunk drivers are forced to use a breathalyzer device attached to the ignition interlock, which tests for blood alcohol level. This device has a tube at the top and requires the driver to breathe into it before starting the vehicle. In addition to these systems, Congress is also considering putting a passive monitoring system in every car in the U.S. by 2026. While the legislation does not specify the type of technology used, it calls for a method that will detect when a driver is impaired and suggest that they take a break from driving.

Under the new legislation, automakers must install a drunk driving monitoring system in all new cars by 2026. However, manufacturers will have to find the technology that will meet government standards, which could extend implementation beyond the 2026 deadline. For the time being, lawmakers are hoping the new mandate will help save a number of lives. In the United States, drunk driving accidents kill more than 9,000 people each year. This new legislation could make the road safer for everyone.

ABI, a trade association for restaurants and bars, is also a vocal critic of the DADSS initiative. Although the group supports responsible on-premise consumption of adult beverages, it also warns that mandated alcohol detection sensors will lead to more drunk drivers driving vehicles and leave sober drivers stranded on the side of the road. Despite these fears, industry associations are still hopeful that the program will make driving safe.

This new technology is a great step in improving the safety of our roads. Autonomous vehicles have been in R&D for 10 or 15 years, but federal legislation will help push them into showrooms. While the technology is still in its early stages, bipartisan support for the new regulations will help reduce drunk driving incidents. There are many benefits to this technology. It is possible that every car will have a drunk driving monitoring system in the near future.

A new technology called alcohol sensing can detect blood alcohol levels in drivers without the driver being aware of it. The system can detect blood alcohol levels in drivers by sampling ambient air in the car cabin, or can even use sensors embedded in the car's ignition switch and gear shift to detect alcohol in the driver's skin. If it detects an impairment driver, the system will take action. It may prevent the car from moving, give a warning, or actively pull the driver off the road. Ultimately, the technology could be implemented in every car by the end of the year.